
2020-04-09 13.31.45.jpg

It’s here — just arrived from the printers, courtesy of FedEx — Cartography in the European Enlightenment, edited by myself and the wondrous Mary Pedley, with the assistance of an incredibly talented team headed by Jude Leimer and Beth Freundlich, our great associate editors, Sarah Tyacke, Dennis Reinhartz, and Bob Karrow, and over 200 contributors !!!!!


Ordering information is at the head of the right-hand column. The e-book is still being prepped, but it’ll be ready soon. The sad news is that the entire print run of the book is being held at the printers in Manitoba until the pandemic recedes and there is someone at the press warehouse to receive the shipment and get the hard copies into everyone’s hands. So, please be patient.

It is past 2pm here, so I think I can enjoy a drink to celebrate!!